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mess around with meaning in Hindi

mess around with sentence in Hindi
के साथ छेड़-छड़ करना
mess    कीचड़ खिचड़ी गड़बड़ी
mess around    इधर-उधर करना
around    में यहाँ-वहाँ के पस
with    के मामले में के
1.Back surgery is not a thing you want to mess around with.

2.Everyone messes around with it, but he would throw it every day.

3.Malcolm messes around with it until he starts having sex with it.

4.The Mirzan quarry, where Amar Taghlaoui works, doesn't mess around with fakes.

5.Instead of a nested loop, they mess around with the list pointer.

6.But " Joan of Arc " doesn't mess around with such matters.

7.A $ 100 million investment is not something you mess around with.

8."We're not going to let guys mess around with their contracts.

9.See, that's what happens when you mess around with testosterone levels.

10.These traps look crude, but they're nothing to mess around with.

  More sentences:  1  2  3  4  5

How to say mess around with in Hindi and what is the meaning of mess around with in Hindi? mess around with Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.